
For Schnauer, there is another significance to remember these things. He had promised his mother that if he sank one of the battleships of the other side in the battle, he would send her a photo of the battleship so that she could be proud of having an excellent child.

Delaware, Wyoming, new york, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Tennessee, Colorado, South Dakota …
"Fighter emergency takeoff! The fighter plane took off urgently! "
With the alarm of the piercing attack, the decks of the American aircraft carrier Langley and Yorktown were in a hurry. Since two German reconnaissance planes appeared in the fleet half an hour ago, General Robert Cüneyt has made the surveillance range of the ships in his fleet as wide as possible. At this time, the Panama Canal is being attacked by German bombers, and a large number of mines have been cut off. Cüneyt can pray that the two German reconnaissance planes passed by by by accident and the main German fleet is still in the waters near Cuba. The information is also correct.
It’s a pity that things didn’t work out. I hope that the rapid appearance of a large number of German fighter planes will make the Americans feel heavy to the extreme. At this time, they finally came here for nothing. When the Germans were not there, they attacked them when they passed through the canal, but they were wiped out rather than hit hard!
Cüneyt’s hand holding a telescope couldn’t help shivering. The scene of a hundred fighter planes flying in formation was already spectacular to him. On the contrary, it was the German appetite that made him take a breath of air. Look at the sea. The number of their own aircraft carriers was reduced to 39 after two wars outside Los Angeles Port and off the coast of Mexico. These 17 fighters and 22 torpedo bombers had to face the swarming German fighters.
Robert Cüneyt’s flagship "South Dakota" gave a signal when the last ships rose one after another.
The fleet is in a state of counter-attack! Three marching columns are scattered, and the highest flight of each ship is ready to evade!
At this time, the 6-base fighter in Panama Canal Area rose to the Cüneyt concave shelf in a large number of German long-range fighters’ deterrence, and the lone eagle bravely and sadly flew away to meet several times as many German fighters.
When I saw the fierce battle scene from a distance, the mid-team leader’s command in Schnauer’s com was extremely cold
"Pay attention to the dive bombing ready to follow the pilot action! Follow the long-distance action! "
Schnauer looked up and there were some clouds in the blue sky, which was a good time for dive bombers to kill and set fire!
Before the seven squadrons dive bombers flew to the US fleet, the last effort of the US ship protection system was quickly destroyed by irresistible force. Schnauer saw the last American plane dragging white smoke to the sea without a target. henkel dd was hovering in some unfinished business.
Schnauer suddenly had a feeling that the German fighter group’s seizure system was as simple as grabbing a lollipop from a child, but everyone knew that the next battle was the hardest. He seemed to have been able to imagine the high muzzle of the American warships. Although his cockpit was protected by a thin armor, the fragment power of the 127 mm anti-aircraft gun was amazing, and the American capital ships and cruisers were equipped with a large number of such high-level guns.
Before the German dive bomber group entered the attack position, the American fleet fired mindlessly. The audio and video were celebrations, and five guns were fired. Schnauer looked through his window, and clouds of black fireworks were in full bloom, but it didn’t seem to threaten him.
"all right! That’s it! American-class aircraft carrier! " The baritone in the earphone is still so calm. Schnauer is used to this calm tone and mentality of our company. It is perfect for a person to be the commander of a dive bomber formation. * * It belongs to fighter pilots like Lieutenant Mark.
"Right front 2 o’clock position! The carrier ship in front! The 3 rd and 4 th teams reduce the height to attract the other team’s firepower. The 1 ST and 2 nd teams are going to rush to the 5 th team with me to prepare! "
Schnauer was really upset when he heard the order from the mid-team leader, because he happened to belong to the fifth team, and now he has to watch the game first. When he looked through the window again, the Yankee fire resistance was still at a height of 2ooo meters to 4ooo meters, and the sea surface was turning. The one in front of the two aircraft carriers was a little bigger than the one behind, which seemed to be a light aircraft carrier, not only large and small, but also a far cry from each other. This was obviously two aircraft carriers designed by the US Navy in the stage of imitation and exploration, and the only similarity between the two ships was the deck.
The 10 judd, which is responsible for attracting the other side’s fire resistance, quietly disappeared in front of Schnauer for about one minute. As expected, the American fire resistance shifted from the square to other directions. It is suspected that it is a fatal mistake for these inexperienced Americans to fly the Cox dive bomber with medium to low firepower, because the power of these big birds can only be reflected by high dive precision bombing.
Seeing that the time came, the squadron leader and the 10-frame judd who was responsible for the attack also disappeared from Schnauer’s face. In high school, Schnauer’s team and the accompanying fighter team were left. Looking around, the sky was full of silver gray, and various dive bomber formations in Hawk, Germany seemed to be trying to find their own targets.
"Report each machine to prepare information!" A mid-team leader tone came in the com.
"Big Bird 2 is ready!" This is the squadron leader’s wingman
"Big Bird 3 is ready!" Another wingman
"Big Bird 1o is ready!"
“!” Simple and very cold words are naturally spoken by the mid-team leader.
At this moment, Schnauer really saw the squadron leader, Hawk, rushing to the sea at a dive angle of 70 degrees just like the current food waterfowl. Although it was not the top level, compared with the technical level of this era, it was ideal. Moreover, with 3,000 hours of flight, the old birds were able to throw the 150-kilogram semi-armor-piercing bomb on the belly to a place just 20 meters away from the target, plus the two 50-kilogram bombs on the wing. An excellent pilot and his judd hit nearly 75 percent when attacking a target as big as a battleship. Of course, they were not shot down by enemy planes during
When the gunners of the American aircraft carrier and several escort ships around it turned their fire back in a hurry, the German dive bombers roared down to a height of nearly 1ooo meters. Before the American artillery hit them, the squadron leader took the lead in dropping three bombs in just a few seconds, and the other nine dive bombers also dropped their bombs in order. The bombs were all dark and round, and almost silently fell on the deck of the aircraft carrier. Everyone on the ship held their breath. Half a second later, there was a loud crash, and a bomb exploded from the deck, which seemed to ignite the twisted wire. The sound of a string of five guns ringing in succession was so dense that the sound of anti-artillery was completely covered up. Although more than half of the bombs fell around the aircraft carrier, they hit it with a semi-armor-piercing bomb, but they gave it a broken belly, and smoke and flames poured out from the deck. The fourth aircraft carrier of the US Navy, Yorktown, became the first battle of the German dive bomber in this naval battle.
Schnauer also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene in preparation. A few minutes later, the smaller Langley was sunk by another group of German dive bombers. It can be said that the American aircraft carrier was negligent in defense and the sailors made mistakes and became German naval airmen. However, when attacking the battleship, the German pilots encountered a lot of trouble
I don’t know who the voice was in the com, but Schnauer happened to see the shocking scene ―― a team of dive bombers bravely rushed to a brand-new American battleship. From the appearance characteristics, it should be a South Dakota-class battleship facing the German fleet. More than 20 5-inch or 127-mm anti-aircraft guns were violently shooting. Suddenly, judd, who was diving, was hit by artillery fire, and the aerial bombs didn’t come. Then two were hit by shrapnel …
"Teams 1 and 2 cover teams 3, 4 and 5. Let’s kill him together!" Abnormal rejection of incoming sound in communicator
Tu Mei Chapter ninety-seven Tilt the balance of victory
Watching the mid-team leader lead the stupid gulls to twist their bodies in the middle of the flight, Schnauer had an unspeakable worry. He took a deep breath, put the plane flap in the cruising position, adjusted the elevator and rudder release plate, and then the nose sank into the blue sea and the target, the South Dakota class battleship, appeared in front of his sight.
The wind, the black smoke and the smoke are blowing on my face. Those places where the shells are prevented from exploding are no longer far away. The explosion seems to ring in my ears. The plane is shaking because of the airflow. A small part of this airflow change comes from nature, and the rest is caused by American shells. In Schnauer’s eyes, the clearer the outline of the American battleship is, the more than 2oo meters long. The hull with a width of more than 30 meters is like a steel island floating in the sea. The four triple-mounted 4o6 mm main turrets are so majestic, and their firepower is not inferior to that of the best battleships in Germany. Because it is the first class, the black smoke emitted from the thick chimney of the oil-fired boiler battleship is far less dense than that of the coal-fired boiler, but at this time, there is a big smoke rising in front of Schnauer. That was the result of a whole squadron dive bomber. The price is six X judd and Seven 15o kg semi-armor-piercing bombs of 12 outstanding pilots hit the starboard side and the middle and rear of the battleship, but this huge battleship is still in the 23 rd section, and it keeps turning to the black smoke on the sea, flashing a little fire. It is clearly visible that it is as many as 12o doors of various anti-aircraft guns and anti-machine guns desperately trying to catch fire.
After passing through the smoke screen formed by the explosion of anti-aircraft artillery shells, Schnauer suddenly saw a string of bright spots, which were not fireflies or angels, but added tracer artillery shells and machine bullets. Many dive bombers were shot down by these seemingly beautiful bright spots when diving. Schnauer kept glancing at the dashboard from the corner of his eye to read that his plane was diving at a dive angle of 70 degrees and diving at a dive angle of 500 kilometers. His hands were tightly holding the joystick elevator, which had become extremely heavy. He had to make great efforts to adjust his aiming point.
pawn things
The two bullets hit the armor shell of judd’s motive impartially, and the fleeting but dazzling spark surprised Schnauer. He prayed that his motive would not go wrong. If the motive stopped running at this moment, he would not hesitate to choose one to crash into an enemy ship. I hope the gunner with a rear-fire gun behind him would have no objection to this.
Fortunately, there was no problem with the propeller and the moving fuselage when the armored bullets grazed the cockpit of Schnauer. When Schnauer glanced at the altimeter from the corner of his eye again, it just showed a very suitable dropping height, but he thought to himself, "Wait, wait, make sure you hit the dead comrades and the living!" So the finger is still tightly attached to the bomb button.
On the port side of the warship, an officer wearing a helmet next to a quadruple-loaded 762mm machine gun pointed to the German planes that were diving sharply, shouting and sitting in the gun position, and the sailors quickly turned the horizontal rotating handle, and the whole body vibrated at a frequency of 1o times per second. Every second, 40 Huang Chengcheng shells were thrown from the shell throwing mouth of the machine gun, and a thick pile of shells had accumulated. The sailors on both sides of the ship were moving iron boxes to get new cartridges for the quadruple-loaded machine gun as soon as the gun stopped.
At least the American sailor who was in charge of shooting when the front German plane was put into the machine gun sight exclaimed "Ah" when he saw that three black bombs had left the plane and had reached the top of his head in a flash.
Schnauer finally breathed a sigh of relief when he endured the huge centrifugal force brought by the plane’s detachment from the dive state. Just as he passed the American warship, he saw the commander’s flag on the mast!
"Is the flagship! That is the American flagship! " Schnauer shouted with excitement.
There was a violent vibration of the whole plane in the loud noise, and the motive was still roaring. The propeller was still rotating at a high speed, but the plane was gradually climbing, and it became light like an instant loss of power. After flying forward for tens of meters by inertia, the heavy nose finally fell irretrievably, and Schnauer also saw the blown tail in his rearview mirror and the blood in the back seat.
He calmly pulled the air outside the hatch cover. Although it was cool, all kinds of smells came together, but it gave people a hard feeling. The plane crashed here in less than 2oo degrees. It didn’t seem that there was much difference between parachuting or not jumping on this rainy sea. Schnauer took his time to take care of himself, and even tidied up his clothes when he was a child. He remembered that sentence he had heard before leaving.
"Even if we die, Germany will still be there!"
Half a minute later, Schnauer was floating on his back on the water, but the emissary didn’t take him away. On this noisy sea, he quietly enjoyed the smoke billowing from the flagship "South Dakota" of the US Pacific Fleet, where he was a few hundred meters away easily.
Without Schnauer’s squadron, when the squadron returned, the pilots were surprised that 25 bombers were left with 2o, which means that five bombers were lost in the attack on the American battleship, which is only the loss of their squadron. Looking at those returning formations nearby, none of them is complete. Unfortunately, one formation has 14 flights.
"Guys! Well done! " There is no sound in the com for a long time. I don’t know what it is. At this time, the mid-team leader’s voice sounds hoarse.
Half an hour later, Schnauer was rescued by an American destroyer. The German navy lieutenant had to watch the wonderful performance of his colleagues on an American warship. After the dive bomber attack ended, the Americans finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, only two aircraft carriers of the US Pacific Fleet had been sunk, and the main battleship was also sunk and badly wrinkled. What General Robert Cüneyt, the commander of the fleet, could do at this time was to risk sending the Lexington and Constellation of battle cruiser. "Saratoga", "Rover" and five high cruisers searched for and attacked the German aircraft carrier in the north, but they had just set off when six squadrons of German torpedo bombers flew in from the north.
This time, the German torpedo plane was not used to attack the E-type torpedo of a light ship, but it was genuine. In 1923, the A-type 533 mm torpedo warhead was equipped with a full 230 kilograms of mixed explosives. This mixed explosive was made of 45%n, 5% 6-nitro-diphenyl face, 30% aluminum nitrate and 20% aluminum, and its explosive power was stronger than that of 1oo%n charge, with a range of 1/3 plus 1,000 yards and 40 knots. They were bound to become nightmares of those relatively slow-moving ships.