
Even if Su Chuanyun takes the forbidden armor field and limps to take the silent enchantment, Shen Mu takes the forbidden area of Emperor Wu, the moon and the stars take the Milky Way Force Field, and Qin Tong takes the great capture of Jia Ye …

What’s the difference?
After all, it is necessary to flatten the mountains and seas, and the imperial mecha will flatten the empire again.
In other words, even the imperial mecha can have mountains high and massive? Just step flat.
Ji Xinghe, who just leveled the ZS2-132 area, successfully reached the ZS2-133 area in the 29th minute after completing the orbital descent.
According to the information before, there are at least 200 imperial mecha in this area, and they have wiped out a team of federal mecha who came to investigate.
And just support to this area a federal mecha squad because TuYuan command has retreated at this time.
Driving in the mecha dust storm, Ji Xinghe closed his eyes and wrapped his body around him like a force field. His ability to "avoid danger without seeing it" blessed him with a federal interpretation method of existing scientific laws, which made him feel "danger"
The danger in the dust storm naturally comes from the imperial mecha.
Being driven by Ji Xinghe to cut the mountain armor seems to have covered the sun and dust storm, and launched a charge towards more than two hundred imperial mecha that have gathered together.
As the distance approaches, Ji Xinghe’s perception becomes clearer.
It takes a medium to transport gas. When the surrounding gas is full of alien dust and soil, whether the transport speed or the stability can spread the distance has improved qualitatively.
Therefore, this is not to avoid the danger without seeing it.
But to fight without seeing or feeling danger.
Chapter 741 Unscience and Science
Received an order to fight to the death and never retreat. Two hundred and thirty-nine imperial mecha broke out in a decisive fighting will.
"We may not have no chance to drive a horse in the Milky Way."
"Ji Xinghe can kill us all if we embrace him again?"
"Ji Xinghe is here."
"Ji Xinghe, can you really kill us all before you run out of gas?"
Some words in the front are normal, but this sentence in the back is very abnormal, which is far from being heard from an aristocratic mecha.
What will Ji Xinghe think when he hears this sentence when he has already charged near them?
In the communication channel, many orangutans with mortal hearts have exploded, and it is clear that they have no scruples about aristocratic status.
"Shut up, idiot."
"Do you know what those stupid nobles like you said when Ji Xinghe challenged?"
"You nobles are all equally stupid."
It’s time to talk about scolding and beating.
Fighting has been inevitable since they received the order to fight to the death, but their fighting spirit has not yet reached the extreme, because their original plan was to go slowly to find Ji Xinghe to delay and wait for the arrival of support troops
But they never thought that it was Ji Xinghe who suddenly appeared in their detection range for no reason.